Carburetor and
Injection Books |
Books |
Demon Carburetion (BK-SA68) BACK in
How to tune and win with Demon carburetion .High performance race
street applications .Includes King , Race , Speed , Road , Demon Design
and function , Air flow theory and tuning secrets .By Ray T Bohacz |
How to Build & Power Tune
Weber & Dellorto DCOE & DHLA Carburettors (Speedpro)
The most complete DIY reference for owners of the world-renowned
side-draft carburetors. Leading automotive how-to author Des Hammill
guides readers through the ins and outs of such topics as stripping,
rebuilding and choosing the best choke for the engine. Expanded features
include updated information on off-road applications and recommended
settings for various engines and applications, including the Toyota MR2
and Jaguar XK. |
Rochester Carburetors
Detailed instructions and 650 illustrations show you how to rebuild and
tune your Rochester carb. Covers Quadrajet, Two-barrels, Monojet, 4GC and
computer controlled carbs with complete rebuild instructions, mixture
settings, basic adjustments, tuning for street or strip and tips on
manifolds and fuel systems. Revised By Doug Roe |
How to Build and
Modify Rochester Quadrajet Carburetors$
NEW BOOK by Cliff Ruggles
The book is a complete guide to selecting, rebuilding, and modifying the
Q- Jet, aimed at both muscle car restorers and racers. It includes a
history of the Q-Jet, an explanation of how the carb works, a guide to
selecting and finding the right carb, instructions on how to rebuild the
carb, and extensive descriptions of high-performance modifications that
will help anyone with a Q-Jet car crush the competition. |
Rochester Carburetors Haynes
Haynes Manual ,340 How to illustrations show you how to rebuild and tune
your Rochester carb. Covers Quadrajet, Two-barrels, Monojet, and
computer controlled carbs with complete rebuild instructions |
Holley Carbs 4150 / 4160 Series
Covers Fuel-Inlet System; Idle System; Main metering
System; Power System; Accelerator-Pump System;
Choke System; Specific Models; Fuel Economy;
Carburetor Selection; Carburetor Removal &
Installation; Metering Blocks; Repair & Adjustment. |
Holley Carburetors,Manifold and FI
photos and information on the latest Holley
products for maximum performance and efficiency. Select, install, repair
and modify Holley's full line of performance fuel system components.
Charts clearly guide you through the complex principles of induction.
Updated 4th ed |
Holley Carburetors (BK-SA27)
Shows enthusiasts and home mechanics how to trouble shoot, disassemble,
clean and inspect, reassemble, and tune all popular Holley carburetors.
Clear step-by-step illustrations and tips for performance, racing,
economy, improved reliability, and even custom finishes for a show-winning
appearance. |
Rebuild & Powetune Carter/Edelbrock Carburetors
A step-by-step guide to rebuilding, modifying and tuning the Carter/Edelbrock
carburetors. Carter history and model overview; an overview of carb parts
and how they work;' car selection; rebuilding carbs; installation and
hardware; performance and adjustments; general tuning and troubleshooting;
emission, fuel economy and fuel supply; racing and special applications.
Covers AFB, AVS and TQ Models |
How to Rebuild and Modify Carter/Edelbrock
reflects the emergence of Edelbrock carburetors as the predominant
Carter-style carburetors in the market today. A revision of the
best-selling title Super Tuning and Modifying Carter Carburetors, this
book contains more than 300 color photos, illustrations, and diagrams,
covering rebuilding, tuning, and modifying Carter and Edelbrock
carburetors. |
Weber Carburetors HP Books
Completely details everything you need to know to select, install and tune
the world’s legendary performance carburetor. Includes information for foreign and American engines. Covers all sidedraft and downdraft carbs,
Weber design and theory, choosing the right model for your engine,
synchronizing multi-carbs, troubleshooting and repair. |
Weber Carburetors Haynes
Details everything you need to know to select, install and tune the Weber
performance carburetor. Includes information for foreign and American
engines. Covers all sidedraft and downdraft carbs, Weber design and
theory, choosing the right model for your engine, synchronizing
multi-carbs, troubleshooting and repair. |
Weber Tech Manual By Bob Tomlinson LIMITED
For putting on carbs, troubleshooting or doing a complete overhaul.
This book covers, history, theory, and how to properly adjust both carbs
and linkage. An invaluable reference manual for your workshop that is
perfect for the DIY'er. Covers Weber 40/44IDF, 48IDA and 40/46 IDA 3 C |
$ 24.95
Weber Master Spare Parts And Tech Guide
Weber tuning manual detailed breakouts of DCOE , DCO , IDF , IDA , DCNF ,
with part numbers. Master Spare Parts And Tech Guide .Emullsion
tube information and specs.Great book for Weber carbs |