Product Details:
1. This 4 piece Coil Conversion Kit uses 8 HIGH PERFORMANCE “TTL” Coils, 2 aluminum mounting brackets. 2 coil harness’ to plug into your O.E. harness and coil hardware. 2. These HIGH PERFORMANCE Coils have a 25 amp driver on the coil, w/o the ECU driver. 3. 8-10 inch Firecore 8mm wires useing a Ferrite alloy conductor, this low resistance conductor is wound extremely tight around a special center core
Product Application:
Applications: GM V8 Gen IV, LS series - Specifications: Output Voltage: up to 81 kV +/- 10% Output Energy: up to 250mJ, @ 8mS dwell @ 14 volts +/- 7% Peak Secondary Current: 100mA +/- 7% Arc Duration: <3.2 mS +/- 10% @ 3.0mS Dwell (Target) Max Continuous Dwell: 9 mS not to exceed 40% duty cycle Max Intermittent Dwell: 88% duty cycle for 9 seconds Max
Manufacturer Info:
Manufacturer/Distributor : Redline
Manufacturer Part Number : 99891.565
About Redline :
Premier Distributor of Genuine Weber Carburetors (made in Spain) . Redline has over 30 years of research and development of premium conversions kits using Weber carburetors. Jetting specifically for each application insuring great performance and drivability . Supplies Many quality parts to support Webers
Product Specifications:
Weight: 4.00 lbs.
Reference Number: 427.99891.565.0
Check with your local emission laws before ordering