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Product Details KT-K2024


Zenith Aftermarket Rebuild Kit 63x 11 12

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Zenith Aftermarket Rebuild Kit 63x 11 12
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Product Details:
Zenith Aftermarket Rebuild Kit 63

63 series - Kit includes Ethanol resistant carburetor components - Mixture Screw needle and seat bowl gasket base gasket misc gaskets and washers with instructions

Product Application:
Applications: This fits Zenith S1606 10269 10828 11223 11314 11316 11349 11350 11374 11381 11386 11404 11407 11411 11420 11433 11454 11616 11617 11624 11628 11671 11716 11722 11725 11744 11759 11763 11768 11770 11804 11805 11813 11828 11841 11886 11887 11917 11925 11984 11987 12051 12097 12099 12119 12130 12132 12141 12164 12165 12196 12198 12221 12316 12317 12322 12328 12400 12421 12456 12460 12480 12516 12525 12557 12559 12593 12609 12703 12705 12776 12842 12877 12937 13101 and others

Manufacturer Info:
Manufacturer/Distributor : CU
Manufacturer Part Number : CU2024

About CU :

Product Specifications:
Weight: 0.40 lbs.
Reference Number: 427.KT-K2024.1

Warning Warning: this product falls under California Proposition 65
Check with your local emission laws before ordering

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