IF you find it Cheaper We will Beat It !!! Just Call 253-833-4106 |
Jet Kits Base Gaskets and Chokes for Weber |
ICT Series Jet Kits |
The ICT and ICH Series 1 barrel downdraft carburetor. It's easily tailored to most OEM engine setups to produce good gas mileage and good performance .(Other uses include forklifts , snowmobiles and generators) - Carb |
fits Weber Carb | Part# | ||
ICT / ICH Jet Kit - Dual Carb |
701ICT![]() |
701ICT![]() |
ICT / ICH - Base Gasket | 99024.417![]() |
99024.417![]() |
Kits and Floats - Single Jets - Emulsion Tubes - Venturis - Air Cleaners |
32/36 DGV DGAV DGEV and DFAV Series Jet Kits |
Any search for the ideal 2-barrel, progressive down-draft carburetor would surely end with the DGV Series. look no further for versatility, wide adaptability, easy installation, low initial cost, trouble-free maintance, excellent drivability, increased fuel economy and improved performance. Designed for 4-6 cyl engines, the DGV Series carbs feature diaphragm type accelerator pump circuits and models with manual, water or electric choke actuation. The DGV also has a power valve circuit to facilitate low vacuum running conditions. - Carb |
fits Weber Carb | Part# | ||
32/36 Jet Kit 4cyl.
fits Weber
DGEV AV Comes with Main(145,150,155 ) ,Idle (65,70,75 ) ,sec Idle (55,60) , Pump jet 55 and Air Corrector (160,170,180 ) jets in plastic case. |
701DGV4![]() |
701DGV4![]() |
32/36 Jet Kit 4cyl.
fits Weber DGV manual choke Comes with Main(135,140, 145,150,155 ) ,Idle jets (50,55x2 ,60x2,65,70,75 ) , Pump jet 55 and Air Corrector (190, 200, 210, 215) jets in plastic case. |
701DGV4M![]() |
701DGV4M![]() |
32/36 Jet Kit 6cyl.
fits Weber
DGEV AV Comes with Main(150,155,160 ) ,Idle (75,80,85,90 ) ,sec Idle (60,65) , Pump jet 60 and Air Corrector (160,180,190 ) jets in plastic case. |
701DGV6![]() |
701DGV6![]() |
32/36 High Altitude Jet Kit fits
4cyl Weber
DGEV AV Comes with Main jets Air corrector jets Idle jets for Altitudes from 2500-10000 ft in plastic case. DGV Manual Choke CALL |
701DGV4A![]() |
701DGV4A![]() |
32/36 High Altitude Jet Kit fits
6cyl Weber DGEV AV Comes with Main jets Air corrector jets Idle jets for Altitudes from 2500-10000 ft in plastic case. DGV Manual Choke CALL |
701DGV6A![]() |
701DGV6A![]() |
DGAV DGEV AV Idle Solenoid (with larger Idle jet) | 43928.060 |
43928.060![]() |
DGAV DGEV Electric Choke | 57804.333![]() |
57804.333![]() |
32/36 Jet Kit fits
Weber DFV DFAV Comes with Main(145,150,155 ) ,Idle (65,70,75,80 ) ,sec Idle (55) , Pump jet 55 and Air Corrector (155,160,180 ) jets in plastic case. ( Will work with a 32/36 DGV Manual Choke but Pump jet does not work ) |
701DFV![]() |
701DFV![]() |
DFEV Electric Choke (reverse direction) | 57804.332![]() |
57804.332![]() |
32/36 Base Gasket DGV DGAV DGEV DFAV | 99005.068![]() |
99005.068![]() |
32/36 Base Spacer 7mm thick DGV DGAV DGEV DFAV | 99005.119![]() |
99005.119![]() |
32/36 Base Spacer 12mm thick DGV DGAV DGEV DFAV | 99005.120![]() |
99005.120![]() |
Kits and Floats - Single Jets - Emulsion Tubes - Venturis - Air Cleaners |
38 Series Jet Kits |
improvements in throttle response at a slight penalty in fuel economy can be
achieved by using the 38 DGAS 38 DGES synchronous-opening model. Both
can be used as a high performance alternative to most any DGV applications |
fits Weber Carb | Part# | ||
38 Jet Kit
fits Weber DGES / AS
Comes with Main(150,155,160 pairs) ,Idle (50,55,60) ,sec Idle (50,55,60) and Air Corrector (160,180,190 pairs) jets in plastic case. |
701DGS![]() |
701DGS![]() |
DGES , DGAS Electric Choke | 57804.333![]() |
57804.333![]() |
DGES , DGAS 38 Base Gasket | 99005.065![]() |
99005.065![]() |
DGES , DGAS 38 Base Gasket Spacer 7mm |
99900.624![]() |
99900.624![]() |
Kits and Floats - Single Jets - Emulsion Tubes - Venturis - Air Cleaners |
IDF Series Jet Kits |
IF you find it Cheaper We will Beat
It !!! Just Call 253-833-4106 |
![]() |
fits Weber Carb | Part# | ||
fits Weber
IDF Jet Idle Kit -
Single Carb Idle (55,60,65,70 pairs) 1 zero bypass jet , 2 pump jets (55) in plastic case. |
702-IDF-1![]() |
702-IDF-1![]() |
fits Weber IDF Jet Main Kit -
Single Carb Single 40/44/45mm carburetor, venturi range 28-32mm, Typical displacement of up to 1900cc - mains: (120, 130, 135, 145 pairs) air jets: (160, 170, 180, 185 pairs) 2-F7 emulsion tubes for the IDF |
737-144![]() |
737-144![]() |
fits Weber IDF Jet Idle Kit - Dual
Carb Idle (55,60,65,70 4ea.) 2 zero bypass jets , 4 pump jets (55) in plastic case. |
702-IDF-2![]() |
702-IDF-2![]() |
fits Weber IDF Jet Main Kit - Dual
Carb Dual 40/44/45 mm carburetors, venturi range 28-32mm Typical displacement of up to 2000cc - mains: (110, 120, 125, 130 -4ea) air jets: (180, 190, 210, 215 -4ea) |
737-240![]() |
737-240![]() |
fits Weber IDF Jet Main Kit - Dual
Carb Dual 44/45/48mm carburetors, venturi range 34-36mm Typical displacement of 2000cc and larger - mains: (130, 140, 145, 150 -4ea) air jets: (170, 180, 190, 200 -4ea) |
737-244![]() |
737-244![]() |
fits Weber IDF Jet Main Kit - Dual
Carb Dual 44/45/48mm carburetors, venturi range 38-40mm Typical displacement of 2000cc and larger - mains: (145, 155, 160, 165 -4ea) air jets: (175, 190, 200, 210 -4ea) |
737-248![]() |
737-248![]() |
40 IDF Base Gasket Dense fibrous, Anti-vibration paper need 2 per carb |
99005.121![]() |
99005.121![]() |
44 IDF Base Gasket Carburetor Dense fibrous, Anti-vibration paper need 2 per carb |
99005.122![]() |
99005.122![]() |
48 IDF Base Gasket Carburetor Dense fibrous, Anti-vibration paper need 2 per carb |
99005.123![]() |
99005.123![]() |
Kits and Floats - Single Jets - Emulsion Tubes - Venturis - Air Cleaners |
DCOE Series Jet Kits |
IF you find it Cheaper We will Beat
It !!! Just Call 253-833-4106 |
fits Weber Carb | Part# | ||
DCOE Jet Main Kit - Dual
Carb Dual 40/44/45 mm carburetors, venturi range 28-30mm Typical displacement of 2000cc and larger - main jets: (110, 120, 125, 130 -4ea) air jets: (180, 190, 210, 215 -4ea) |
737-240![]() |
737-240![]() |
DCOE Jet Main Kit - Dual
Carb Dual 44/45/48mm carburetors, venturi range 34-36mm Typical displacement of 2000cc and larger - main jets: (130, 140, 145, 150 -4ea) air jets: 9170, 180, 190, 200 -4ea) |
737-244![]() |
737-244![]() |
DCOE Jet Main Kit - Dual
Carb Dual 44/45/48mm carburetors, venturi range 38-40mm Typical displacement of 2000cc and larger - main jets: (145, 155, 160, 165 -4ea) air jets: (175, 190, 200, 210 -4ea) |
737-248![]() |
737-248![]() |
40-45 DCOE Thick Base Gasket |
99005.031![]() |
40-45 DCOE Soft Mount O-ring Base Gasket | 99005.145![]() |
99005.145![]() |
48 DCOE Soft Mount O-ring Base Gasket | 99005.150![]() |
99005.150![]() |
Kits and Floats - Single Jets - Emulsion Tubes - Venturis - Air Cleaners |
DCO-SP Jet Kits | |||
Still the standard by which all other carburetors are
measured, the DCO is the ultimate side draft carburetor. It is unsurpassed for full-race use - Carb |
![]() |
fits Weber Carb | Part# | ||
50-55 DCO Soft Mount O-ring Base Gasket | 99005.150![]() |
99005.150![]() CALL |
Kits and Floats - Single Jets - Emulsion Tubes - Venturis - Air Cleaners |
V-8 Jet Kits | |||
V-8 Weber IDF or IDA Setups | ![]() |
Carb | Part# | ||
8 Each of 4 Different Sizes of Main Jets. 32 Pieces your choice of sizes |
99005.cu1 | CALL | |
8 Each of 2 Different Sizes of Idle Jets. 16 Pieces your choice of sizes |
99005.cu2 | CALL | |
8 Each of 4 Different Sizes of Air Corrector Jets 32 Pieces your choice of sizes |
99005.cu3 | CALL | |
Kits and Floats - Single Jets - Emulsion Tubes - Venturis - Air Cleaners |
E-Mail sales@carbs.net
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