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Part # :99009.210
Desc  :Fuel Pump 7psi 70GPH up to 400hp
Notes :High Volume (requires fuel Pressure regulator when used with Weber Carburetors)Carbureted gasoline engines up to 400 H.P. A High Volume pump for High Performance applications

Price  $ 169.95

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Price EACH unless noted

Item Details
Item Weight : 3
Item Dimensions :
Item Model number : 99009.210
Item Description : Fuel Pump 7psi 70GPH up to 400hp
Item Notes : High Volume (requires fuel Pressure regulator when used with Weber Carburetors)Carbureted gasoline engines up to 400 H.P. A High Volume pump for High Performance applications
Item Detail Picture :Item Detail Picture
Item Reference Pic :Item Ref Picture
Weber & reference Number : 99009.210

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